In 2020 @exebioteam launch "Exebioteam Creative Station" with its belief in new beginnings with more real values.
New routes, a new reality, remotely, and as usual, creating brands that transcend. Today, Exebio is "on-air" transmitting its ideas from somewhere in the universe.
For the launch of this creative station, Patty Exebio asked me to illustrate each Team Member.
We talked about a general look and feel for the entire piece but for each portrait, there was a responsability for them to reflect not only a physical description but their personality. 10 years knowing most of them and been myself a proud member of these team, i knew a wanted to make them so they recognise a wink, a small inside joke, imperceptible to everyone else but us... a loved make this portraits, cats included.
New routes, a new reality, remotely, and as usual, creating brands that transcend. Today, Exebio is "on-air" transmitting its ideas from somewhere in the universe.
For the launch of this creative station, Patty Exebio asked me to illustrate each Team Member.
We talked about a general look and feel for the entire piece but for each portrait, there was a responsability for them to reflect not only a physical description but their personality. 10 years knowing most of them and been myself a proud member of these team, i knew a wanted to make them so they recognise a wink, a small inside joke, imperceptible to everyone else but us... a loved make this portraits, cats included.